Here we are at the Bellingham Highland games. the first weekend in June. The first half of our "Sheep to Shawl"
Our intrepid leader Yvonne spent most of the day at the drum carder - organizing the lovely CVM fleece that she donated for spinning, and telling people what we were doing, and keeping us all in line.
Our little band of spinners was spinning singles that would later be randomly plied to come up with the warp for our latest Sheep to Shawl project.
It was great to see Oksana. She knitted the beautiful sweater that she is wearing!
This is the clan tartan from Yvonne's family. She wove it on her loom (from commercial yarn). Isn't it beautiful?
This is Lea's mom - she was having a great time watching the games and listening to the music.
We had a new spinner, Keisha, joining us that day. She was a lot of fun be with. I hope that she will be able to join us at a meeting sometime.

This little fellow just had to know how I was making string. He climbed right up into my lap to watch.
It was a great day, to sit in the early summer sun and spin to our hearts content.
Here is the fruit of our labors. Yvonne, Meg & I plied it up the next Thursday at the county spinner evening. Meg has wound the warp and the loom will be warped and the weft will be spun at the Skagit Highland Games On the 10 & 11th of July. Hope you can join us there!